It’s a good idea to keep the caller engaged in some nice songs instead of making him listen to the default “it’s ringing tone”.Different operators call it by different names like hello tunes or caller tunes.BSNL is one of the service provider to provide this service at an affordable cost.Here is how to set it up.
It takes Rs. 25 as monthly charges and Rs.12 for a song to download.However this tariff changes from time to time hence you are requested to check it at BSNL web site.
Ways to Set BSNL Caller Tunes
Call 57500
This is the default and direct method.You have to call 57500.It’s an IVRS system where you can listen and download a song based on different menu.It takes at present Rs 2 per minute to call at this service.Most costly way to search as there are many songs on this service.
Copy it from other’s
Suppose you know that your friend has a good caller tune and he is on BSNL network,call him and while the caller tune is playing ,press the *(star) button.The tune will be copied to your number now.Least costly way to search.
Search for a particular song through SMS
Now you can also search for a particular song as a message.Suppose you want a song “Jai Ho” then send a SMS to 56799 with terms “search Jai” .It will reply with all the songs which contain the word Jai.Only normal SMS rates apply.May need 3-4 SMS to search for a song.
So set yours now and let your callers enjoy the tune while you make them wait to pick up.
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