Get all details of an Image Including any Alteration



Photographers and enthusiasts need to know technical details of an image frequently.The details include camera used,exposure settings and so on.These details are contained in the EXIF data associated with an image which is used for analysis.

But if you need to dig further ,normal application fail to provide any information.Here is a Freeware portable tool which not only shows the EXIF data but also provides information about any editing an image has undergone.

JPEG File Decoding Utility

Jpeg-Snoop examines all the info associated with the image along with the quality of an image based on the compression method used.The special feature of this program is an internal database it uses to get the compression signatures used by various image editing software and hence can report whether an image has been reprocessed or edited.

Just to use this software I created a Jpeg screenshot of desktop.Upon snooping the image ,I got all the EXIF details and the program reported it as a Class-I image which in the terminology it uses means that the image is processed/edited.

Jpeg file decoding details

When I snooped a photo straight from my camera,it reported the image to be a class-IV,meaning no compression signatures were found.

This small tool can be used as a EXIF viewer and for extra details by experts.This program does not need installation hence is portable.

Download JPEGSnoop

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