Here are the SMS codes to be used if you want to activate or deactivate GPRS in your prepaid or postpaid mobile.Please note that for prepaid customers there is no plan but you pay as you use based on the tariff,while the postpaid customer can choose between three plans.
SMS Code for GPRS Activation
Prepaid customers can send message GPRSPRE to 53733.
Postpaid customers can send message to 53733 with the following codes
- GPRS49 if you want plan 49.
- GPRS199 if you want plan 199.
- GPRSZERO if you do now want a rental but pay as you use.
SMS Code for GPRS Postpaid Plan Change
Suppose you are using Plan 49 and want to upgrade to Plan199.Just send a message GPRS199 to 53733 and vice versa.Within 48 hours you will get two messages –first saying that GPRS has been deactivated on your mobile (for plan 49) and second message saying that GPRS has been provisioned on your mobile for (plan199).
SMS Code for GPRS Deactivation
Send a message GPRSD to 53733.May be that you first get a message that,”GPRS has been provisioned”.Within 48 hours you will get a GPRS deactivation confirmation message.
SMS Code for Fetching GPRS Settings for a mobile
To receive settings for GPRS/WAP and MMS send a message to 58355 with your mobile model number.Suppose you have Nokia 6300 send “Nokia 6300” (without quotes) to 58355.If you have an uncommon mobile use any popular model of the same mobile operating system.
Leave a comment if you need any clarification about the above codes.
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