How to get BSNL and other's GPRS settings for all N-Series,E-Series,Nokia 5800/N97 and all s60 modern mobiles.



You have earlier seen GPRS setting for almost all types of Nokia mobiles.Setting up GPRS in these mobiles required either sending a message or entering the settings manually.But this is not actually required if you have a latest mobile running on Symbian S60 3rd edition Feature Pack 3 and later.This includes all N-Series,E-Series mobiles and latest models like 6600 fold.

You don’t have to send a message for settings neither you need to enter it manually as all these mobiles have a Setting Wizard with them which can be used to get GPRS/MMS settings automatically.

Getting GPRS settings using Settings Wizard

Please note that you need to have GPRS activated for your number.For which you will have to send an SMS.But for settings you do not need to send any SMS as you will be using Settings Wizard now.Here is how to do it.

  • Menu->Tools->Settings Wizard (IN most of the mobiles this will the location but it may vary for some ,kindly search)For Nokia 5800 and Nokia N97 this location will be Menu->Applications->Settings Wizard.
  • When you start the wizard for the first time it will ask you for operator selection.Select your Operator.It will show you the first time setting wizard instructions as shown in figure.

select operator to get settings

First time settings wizard

  • Now select start on the settings wizard.It will automatically select the settings such as GPRS/WAP and MMS.Once it download the settings,it will show you summary as shown in right figure below.

automatic GPRS settings

Automatic GPRS,MMS,WAP settings

  • Finally you will see this window which shows that  the the operator settings has been and if you want you can go for Email settings on your phone.

Operator setup done

As compared to the other procedure for getting settings (such as manual configuration or sending SMS to 58355),this is very easy and fast.

Moreover this way you can get settings for any operator.

This settings wizard can be found in all devices which has Symbian s60 3rd edition FP2 or later.and all latest devices in the medium to high price band category such as E-series,N-series and have this OS .Please note that your latest mobile may not have s60 as s40 version is more popular in the mid range category of mobile phones.

So if you have a s60 mobile ,then this is the preferred way of setting GPRS/MMS and WAP on your mobile.

Do let me know if you find difficulty in setting your mobile in this way.Setup and Enjoy internet on mobile.

Here settings are shown for Nokia 5800 but they are almost same for all mobiles with settings wizard.

9 responses to “How to get BSNL and other's GPRS settings for all N-Series,E-Series,Nokia 5800/N97 and all s60 modern mobiles.”
  1. sunil Avatar

    Very useful info. This is not available anywhere else. Thanks.

  2. Geetu Avatar

    Hi i have nokia n97 . Taken bsnl postpaid connetion where gprs is free nad unlimited. I have wap,internet(gprs),proxy,mms settings in my mobile. Have been using net properly tthrough bsnl internet settings in n97 opera. Now if i want to connect my laptop to the internet through my mobile and nokia pc doesnt connect to internet. I use bsnl south setting as i dont know the manual settings for bsnl. Do help me out. I think this site has the only info that i need. Waiting for urr reply. Till then ciao…..

  3. Ajay Vyas Avatar
    Ajay Vyas

    You suggest that “When you start the wizard for the first time it will ask you for operator selection.Select your Operator.”
    but in my n97 at this step mobole is not showing any operator and if I type “cellone” or “bsnl” the message appers that no match
    please guide me

  4. mahesh shriwas Avatar
    mahesh shriwas

    I had Nokia Set E61 i please suggest me setting for 3G activation

  5. sanjay kothari Avatar
    sanjay kothari

    i tried with the setting. still my nokia 5800 frequently shows packet data connection not available. out of 5 times i succeed 2 times only. please help me in configuratin net and wap services. please. sanjay

  6. Sanchit Avatar

    This is really really useful. Just was struggling to get these settings. Thanks a ton

  7. Hemant Avatar

    Hello sir. I am using Nokia N70 as a modem. Plz suggest me the settings for BSNL. Give the name of Access point and additional initializing command. It is a 2g connection.

  8. Chandrashekar V H Avatar
    Chandrashekar V H


  9. ksbsingh1399 Avatar

    BANL 3g MY MOBILE NOKIA C6-01 my no9419504241

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