BSNL 3G is now available in many parts of India.You can enjoy high speed Internet,Video calling and novelties like mobile TV if you have a 3G mobile phone and a BSNL/MTNL connection as presently only these companies offer 3G services.Of course you should be ready to pay a premium for these services.
Here are the configuration settings for 3G mobiles which enable you to get 3G services in your mobile,particularly High speed Internet,or mobile broadband.
Settings for BSNL3G on Nokia and other mobiles.
The configuration settings has to be completed in two steps.First, you have to make sure that your mobile is set to work in 3G network mode which is denoted by UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) mode in your mobile.If it is set to dual mode (UMTS+GSM),the mobile will fall back to GSM mode in absence of UMTS network.
However you should change this only when browsing Internet or you will not be able to get a network if UMTS is absent.Theoretically in dual mode,the mobile will work in UMTS ,if both networks are present and fall back to low data rate speed GSM only when UMTS is absent,but here we are forcing to use only UMTS to avoid occasional glitches which may sometime occur due to falling back.You can also try to browse Internet in Dual mode,and if you do not find any speed variation problem,you can keep your mobile in dual mode.
Step 1:Setup your network mode.
Go to Menu->Settings->Connectivity (or wherever you may edit network settings) and select Network.Open Network mode and change it to UMTS.The default is dual mode.
Step 2:Configure your 3G Access Point
Just like a GPRS access point ,you need an access point for 3G too.BSNL has changed its Access Point recently in some parts of India.You have to put the following access point according to the BSNL region leaving all other things to defaults in access point settings.
For BSNL UP (East) Access Point is –“bsnlnet”.
For Chennai region it’s “”
You may have to fiddle with access point because BSNL does not have a unified access point all over India.You can try “” or “bsnlnet” to get 3G in your handset.
If you do not know where to put the access point,read the guide to GPRS configuration first.
That’s it.You are now ready to experience mobile broadband in your device provided by BSNL 3G.If you really want to test how fast is the connection,watch any video on YouTube and let me know in comments whether you enjoyed 3G or not.
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