The Ultimate Lifetime Productivity Tip



This was just another day searching something at Google.I was searching for Productivity blogs.I found many blogs which included highly popular blogs like, and .As always , I was also subscribing to the blogs through RSS.In the meantime I got a blog which I subscribed to.Just when my Google Reader updated the feed I got the The Ultimate Lifetime Productivity Tip.Want to know what it was-Read on..

Get The Best Productive Tip Ever


As you can see in the picture there are over 1500 subscribers.I increased the count by one and got an RSS feed which read-“Stop reading your RSS feeds and DO IT F**KING NOW!”

Don’t you think it is the best productivity tip.The site also claims that Steve Nojobs (!) has made this site as his homepage and got a productivity boost of 34%.Well who is Steve Nojobs.NO points in guessing .He is the CEO of iPoor.

Here is the screenshot of the RSS feed which I got.

Ultimate Productivity tip

So if you want to increase your productivity significantly.Just check out .You can make it your homepage or subscribe to RSS/Email newsletter.For me it has definitely increased –I am writing this post right now!!

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