Usage Terms

By using/reading this blog you agree to abide by the The following Terms which include


Comment Policy

Copyright policy

Privacy Policy

All the terms listed here are subject to change anytime without prior notice at my sole discretion and any changes made will be effective immediately.

Last Updated-Jan 25’2010


All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only.

It is not guaranteed that the information is 100% accurate though every effort is made to be as accurate as makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, correctness ,suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any direct or implied losses, injuries, or damages arising due to any errors, omissions, or delays in this information displayed on this site or due to use or misuse of them. All information is provided on an as-is basis without any liability whatsoever.

This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer or relatives, family and friends. They have nothing to do with these contents and are not liable for anything what so ever.. In addition, my thoughts and opinions change from time to time which will be reflected on my blog. And due to this change in opinion two articles in two different time instants may be completely different .

Names, Logos and other proprietary information quoted in this blog are property of respective companies/owners and are mentioned here for reference purpose only.Examples include (but not limited to) Google, Microsoft, Nokia, Yahoo etc. The use of their logos and names without the registration mark is not meant for a trademark violation.This blog is my personal production and is not associated with any of the companies.

Comment Policy

  • Please Comment-Because a blog without comment is dead .And I don’t want this blog to be a dead one.
  • You own the comment-You are responsible for what you say. This blog does not have ownership over the user comments. You are liable for any positive or negative consequences arising from what you say in comments.
  • Your identity-Since you own the comments ,it’s better to provide us genuine details. Your privacy is respected by us .For the complete explanation Read Privacy policy.
  • Be human and polite-Do not spread any kind of hate, abuse, or off topic promotion. Do not use foul language. Do not comment in a way that may hurt a person,group, religion, nation or anything in particular.
  • Don’t spam-If you use automated spamming engines, then I use Akismet. What is flagged by Akismet is mostly deleted without much consideration .However they sometimes include genuine comments. If your comment do not appear on the blog within a considerable time(say 24 hrs)kindly contact us via contact form.
  • Link to Good -Not to the bad-You are encouraged to put links in your comments as long as they are relevant to the topic and positively add to the discussion. But do not link to an irrelevant link. For example, in the comments on this policy a link to a better policy is good but a link to a shopping site is bad.
  • Your name is not a keyword-Many people keep a keyword on the name field. I do not like this. Also do not repeat your site name in signature as that is already hyperlinked with your name. Use your name, blog title, or your nick name.
  • Comment by a machine-A trackback is treated a comment
  • I own the rights to edit/delete your comment.-This is my blog and as the owner I reserve the right to delete or edit any comment posted here which do not confirm to the above guidelines .If you feel that an approved comment is offending you in any kind kindly let me know via comment form. Ability to prevent comments by specific persons or groups.
  • Change in Policies-These policies may be changed without prior notice to you as change is the only persistent thing in the world.
  • Clarification-IF you need any clarification,kindly contact me.

Copyright Policy

All the content except user posted comment here at is copyrighted . However it’s OKAY to quote a short part of our content and link back to us, as long as you follow the following terms

  • Excerpts only  – Please do NOT copy the whole post. A short paragraph with exact content enclosed in  quotes seems reasonable.
  • Attribution – You must credit the original article at
  • Link Back – You need to link back to the article from which you derived the excerpt.Always provide a hyperlink (full URL) to the article where the quote is from. Don’t hyperlink just to the homepage
  • Use of Feeds  – You cannot republish our full text RSS feed articles on any site without prior permission.