A new search engine is up for testing.Sagoon Inc. headquartered in Washington DC has launched beta version of its search engine “sagoon.com”.The search engine stats,”Bring and Organize Online Information” as their goal.It’s founded by two IT professionals Mr. Govinda Giri and Mr. Shiba Dhakal .
Sagoon features ‘semantic and natural language processing’ which means that it can understand if you say “Who is the president of America’” as a question and will try to search for answers.
Features of sagoon.com search in brief
- Semantic and Natural Language processing
Makes it able to understand natural language.It’s done by special algorithms.
- Inbuilt Directory,news and video search
You can search for news and videos as well as view its web directory.
- Includes Classified search
Directly search for classified ads.
It seems a good start considering the quality of search results.Check here for a video tour of sagoon.com which shows the features in a nutshell.
However considering the dominance of Google on the search engines,nobody seems to be away from it’s shadow.Even people launched search engines like Blackle.com which were actually Google custom search.
And here Sagoon is using Adsense for revenue .However it may not use it when it starts generating money itself,but at present see the “Ads by Google” at search results page when you use Sagoon.
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