Sometimes you get a wallpaper which has some good quotations in it which you want to SMS/mail somebody.Now how can you copy the text only? Most probably you will have to write the text manually.
Now here is a Freeware utility to extract text from images.Basically it is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software i.e. it recognizes the text from images and saves them in normal text format.Also it can be used as a screenshot utility.
Free Text Extraction from Images
The software used for this purpose is JOCR.While professional OCR softwares cost a lot,this is a Freeware .
This is a standalone software and does not need an installation.
How to use the program
When you start the program.You get the following main window.You can capture complete desktop, a window or a specific region.I have downloaded a wallpaper which has quotations in it.Here “capture region” is selected to select the region from the wallpaper.Once you press capture region,the mouse pointer changes to a crosshair means now you can select a region.
After you have selected the Recognize and it will recognize all text in the selected region of image.
The recognized text is automatically displayed in Notepad and it will display a message,how many characters it has recognized.
As you can see,the tool is extremely simple to use.Even if you do not want to use this software for COR, you can use it as a standalone screen capture utility.Please note that this software requires Microsoft 2003 or later installed on your system as it uses MS-Office for language files.
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