How to Jailbreak and Unlock the iPhone 3GS



News of jail breaking iPhone 3GS surfaced all over the Internet when George Hotz first released the Jail breaking tool purplera1n.The Dev team had nothing that day and now we have something from both teams.A jail breaking  tool from Hotz and Unlock tool from Dev Team.

Here are the resources you will need to jailbreak your iPhone 3GS.

Get iPhone 3GS Unlocked

Here are the resources to unlock your iPhone 3GS OS version 3.0iphone

From George Hotz

Download purplera1n for Windows (but not windows 7) and  for Mac from

Have the latest iTunes and iPhone 3GS with version 3.0.And then follow the instructions stated by George Hotz.He has  also released purplera1n RC2 with Windows 7 support and some updates.

From the Dev Team

If you are dev tem fan then you can consider redsn0w jailbreak and ultrasn0w carrier unlock.

Both of which have been updated to support iPhone 3GS running OS with version 3.0.To proceed with the tools you can visit the official dev team blog and download tools.

Now make your iPhone 3GS dance to your tunes.

Photo credit Bitman and wkueting

Visit George Hotz blog or Dev Team Blog.

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