How to Secure your Internet Browser -Add WOT for Firefox & IE



A Web Browser is your gateway to the Internet.There are plenty of web browsers including Internet Explorer,Mozilla Firefox,Opera,Google Chrome and Safari.Like any other software they also have bugs which can be used to control,attack or hijack your computer by malicious people.

Online threats now include exploiting your browser to control your computer.Browsing unsafe sits can land you in the heap of Spyware, adware and viruses and using a phishing site can  compromise your finances as they tend to record your complete credit card and personal data.And to protect you from these threats ,Web of Trust has a great add on for popular browsers ,Firefox and IE.

WOT is a free Internet security addon for your browser. It will keep you safe from online scams, identity theft, spyware, spam, viruses and unreliable shopping sites. Whenever you are going to enter a risky website it will warns you before you interact with it.

How does WOT work

WOT works on a rating system.Whenever a visitors comes across a site he is presented with a rating of the site based on four parameters.This rating is decided by the people who have earlier rated the same website.That also mean that you can also rate a site.WOTThey also collect ratings from multiple trusted sources, like phishing and spam blacklists.Their system uses special algorithms to produce  and up-to-date ratings.

As you can see the rating depends on four criteria.These are –

Trustworthiness-Rating on the basis of this defines whether you trust this site or not.For example,for a fake or span website ,this rating will be low.

Vendor Reliability-a good measure for shopping sites.

Privacy-Important for websites which try to collect user data,for example any site which requires registration.

Child safetyWhether the site is suitable for non adults or not.

Browser Security Features of WOT

Color Coding for Sites-Based on the rating it gives a color to its icon on the browser bar.These mean green to go, yellow for caution and red to stop.Presently WOT says to have ratings for about 21 millions of websites.

  • Custom level of Protection-With settings you can even set WOT to block inappropriate content for children.
  • Available for Firefox and Internet Explorer-At present this browser add on is available for these two browsers.

wot color codes I tried to open a good site( and a bad site(a crack site) and I got Green icon for labnol and red icon for bad site,

Noting the fact that no browser is absolutely safe,this add on is a must have for every Internet user.

Have a happy and safe browsing and keep rating sites for betterment of WOT system.

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