We often work across many web browsers at different locations.Everywhere we save a lot of bookmarks and set preferences.Now in order to have same set of bookmarks and settings at different location across different browsers,it is necessary to backup the settings and restore at other places.
FavBackup is a Freeware program which lets you backup and restore bookmarks,user preferences,history and so on for almost all browsers.
Save and Restore your Bookmarks ,settings for al browsers
There are two main reasons why would you like to save or backup the settings,bookmarks and preferences for a browsers.
- You work across many computers/browsers and want to keep all browsers in sync.
- You are reinstalling any browsers after an OS reinstall.
Favbackup,a Freeware is a portable application,i.e. it does not need an installation.When you run the program you get the Fav Backup Wizard.As you can see from the screenshot it supports almost all browsers like IE,Firefox,Opera including Safari and Google Chrome.
You have to choose any action (backup,restore etc.) and the browser you want to backup or restore.Depending on the browser it shows a full list of all things which can be backed up.
For example–For Firefox,it can even backup site sessions and cookies,spelling dictionary,MIME types,form data, along with the rudimentary bookmarks,settings, saved password etc..
It can be very useful for people who have to visit cyber cafes for some reasons.This way we can carry all the bookmarks and settings on our USB drives.
And you will never miss your home computer for the bookmarks.
Download FavBackup (1.6MB ZIP Package)
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