Here manual settings for BSNL GPRS access is presented for Nokia 3230.These settings will work on other mobiles with Series 60, 2nd edition Feature pack 1 platform which include Nokia 7610,6670,6260 and 6620.

You are advised to put manual settings only when you fail to get Internet access using automatic configuration.Before manual settings read automatic configuration settings and FAQs.
If you have already messed up with settings ,then it’s also advised to reset your phone to factory defaults after taking backup.Now here are the settings for BSNL GPRS access.BSNL GPRS Settings
Navigate to the Menu and fill entries as depicted here.User inputs are given in italics.
Access points-<delete all to avoid messing up settings>
Options–>Create New
Connection Name–BSNL_GPRS
Data Bearer-GPRS
Access Point Name–
User name-<Leave Blank>
Password-<Leave Blank>
Prompt password-No
Authentication-Normal<opens very fast>
Press Back
GPRS connection-when needed/when available (read FAQs)
Access points–
Now restart your mobile(although it’s not necessary,it does not hurt to do so) and fire up your mobile web browsers and go surfing.
In case you have any difficulty in settings ,please let me know in comments.
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